Mental Health at Scale.
For Everyone, Everyday.Why invest in Mental Health?
of an employee's waking hours is spent at work.
1 in 6 people
experience mental health issues in the workplace
US$ 1 trillion
per year in lost productivity.
Create a workplace free of Mental Health stigma
Make your team Wyser!
Get a customized version of Wysa to create a safe space for your employees, address mental health concerns better and efficiently use your EAP resources with minimal cost.
Name *Company *Role *Work email *Phone numberHow can Wysa help? *- Reference1 Jenna Cyprus, Workplace environment affects health, here.2 https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/statistics/mental-health-statistics-mental-health-work3 https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/statistics/mental-health-statistics-mental-health-work